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General FAQ

Dive into GFT: A starter's ultimate guide
19 articles
When will I receive my credentials?
How do I receive my Certificate?
What happens if a rule violation is detected on my account?
Which countries are not allowed to trade at Goat Funded Trader?
What is the maximum simulated capital you can have with GoatFundedTrader?
Can I merge accounts?
Is there any inactivity limit?
Do I get a discount when retrying the evaluation?
What is a Goat Funded Trader simulated funded account?
How does Goat Funded Trader utilize TradingView?
How to Become an Affiliate?
How does the compensation structure work in the Affiliate program?
Misconduct and Social Media Policy
What are the conditions for TRIPLE20 promotion?
What are the conditions for DOUBLEBF promotion?
What are the conditions for DOUBLE10 promotion?
Where can I find the receipt for purchase?
How can I use the GoatFundedTrader Position Size Calculator?
How does the scaling plan work?